4 Ways for Reducing Mortgage Expenses

Four strategies for lowering mortgage costs

With many people feeling the financial strain during these troubling times it is becoming more important to find ways to reduce your expenses and save more. If you own a home, there are a number of things you can do to reduce the costs of your home loan both in the short and long term. If you have not reviewed your mortgage in a while now is a great time with many lenders lowering their interest rates and numerous government schemes.

Refinance to a Lower Interest Rate

If you refinance your home loan you have the potential to refinance to a home loan with a significantly lower interest rate, potentially saving you thousands in monthly repayments and interest. A mortgage broker can help you review your current mortgage and determine which home loans will save you the most amount of money.

Lengthen Your Home Loan

If you are finding it hard to get together funds to make monthly repayments it is possible to reduce your monthly repayments by restructuring your home loan. By extending the length of your loan term by refinancing you are able to reduce the amount of your monthly repayments.

Apply for a Hardship Variation

Generally, your lender will want to help you pay off your loan so they will often allow you to apply for a hardship variation which is designed to ease some of the financial pressure in the short term. This can include deferring repayments, freezing interest or even allowing partial repayments. These are great options if your income has been significantly reduced and you are struggling to meet your repayments as a result.

Refinance to an Interest Only Mortgage

Interest only loans have a smaller financial burden initially as you only need to repay the interest on the loan, while the repayment for the principal is delayed for up to 5 years The downside is that after the initial interest only period you will have to pay significantly more than a standard home loan. However, they are a great option to give you some breathing room if you are currently experiencing financial difficulty.

These are solid options that can help you reduce your mortgage expenses and help you save more overall or can help if you are in need of greater cash flow.

If you would like to learn more about saving money on your home loan and ways to reduce costs, please get in touch with us today.